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List of products by brand JAYJUN

The main task of JayJun is to preserve the beauty and youthfulness of the skin for many years to come, and having tried this cosmetics for the first time, it is easy to understand that the promises are true.

Jay Jun Cosmetic is a brand created in 2014 in South Korea by a group of experienced cosmetologists, dermatologists and surgeons who make facial cosmetics under the slogan: "we are responsible for your beauty." Products are aimed at maintaining youth, tone and natural beauty of the skin.

Jay Jun became famous for his 3-Step Sheet Mask Kits, which combine multiple products in one convenient package and work directly to deeply hydrate and improve the epidermis.

The Jay Jun brand offers unique patches that are one of a kind: soaked in a thick jelly-like essence with organic extracts and real hibiscus flower petals, and also have a denser hydrogel.

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